
Dear Readers,

My name is Kayla. I love movies and just want to share the love with others. I been into super hero movies lately but I will watch all different type (except porn).  90% of the time my thoughts are positive. I hope to get ur options too as long as u are nice and respectful of others. this is a site where we r nice to one another plz and thank u. So enjoy and hopefully u have fun. 

Your Friend, 


Fantastic Four (2015 version)

I love superhero movies if u didn’t know and this one is a good one. I like that the charters are nerdy and fun but I kinda wanted more of dr doom. that was my biggest complaint is that they set up everything but don’t spend a lot of time with the villain. I also like the actors who play them and fun note Micheal b Jordan was the second person from the fantastic four films to go on to the MCU. Chris Evans went from Johnny to rogers. and we all know Micheal b Jordan was amazing as the villain in black panther. this was a good watch and I understand peoples complaints but for me a movie has to be really bad like oh my god what the hell before i can say it was bad. so over all had a good time but not my favorite superhero movie but still had a good time.


I haven’t wrote in a while but last night I went with some of my family and saw Aquaman. I feel in love with it. It was so fun and put a smile on my face and jason mamomo was excellent. I also like the supporting cast. amber herd, william doefoe, patrick willison, and nicole kidman. The visuals were great. I thought the underwater stuff was amazing and felt like a new world. I love comic book movies and this was another good one to add to the growing list of good superhero movies. So if u r looking for a family fun movie I would defiantly recommend this.

Else Worlds Arowverse Crossover

Tonight was the wrap up of the else world crossover event it started with Flash, then arrow, and supergirl. in the flash eposiode barry allen and oliver queen have swaped lifes and must convince there friends that reality was rewriten. I found it funny because barry is fun and postive while oliver is serious and burting. they must learn to use each others strenths and become each other to help stop what is going on. in the arrow eposiode they go to gotham city. there Oliver (arrow as flash), Barry (flash as arrow), and Kara (supergirl) meet kate kane aka Batwoman which is amazing. this eposoide had all kinds of batman easter eggs and they went to arkym asylm and they intordouced pyscho pirate (I think thats his name) and it was so much fun. In the supergirl eposiode jhon deagan the villian rewrote reality again and made barry and oliver into the triger twins and everyone who was good turned into bad people and jhon made him superman who wore a black suit. so oliver and barry travel to fortress of solituide and get clark kent aka the real superman and louis lane who along with supergirl, flash, arrow and alex danvers who kara makes realizes she good not bad they must get the book of destiny and rewrite reality to go back to what it was. also montior was the one who started this all because he was testing people because he felt that he needed to find someone worthy because there was a crisis coming. (Side not the 90’s flash, reverse flash, malcom merlin, and mr frezze’s wife all make cool cameo’s.) So the crossover ends with thing going back to normal and it teases crisis on infinate earths! For thouse who don’t know this is huge comic book arc. so now we have to wait a year which sucks but man I am excited. this years crossover made me super exicted and put a smile on my face. any superhero fan will enjoy this. here is a trailer and I suggest u try and find this on the cw app. 


I love Disney. expectantly science they got marvel and star wars.  I remember watching and enjoying a movie called the mighty ducks back when i was growing up. It was about a underdog hockey team as well. I was watching miracle thinking this is some what the same except it is real story. And when they were cheering USA it put a smile on my face. It made me think that even though we may not like Russia we (and the rest of the world) can put aside our differences and play a hockey game. It shows us we can all rally around something and be the “UNITED” states of america. I just love a good underdog story as well as a feel good story and uplifting story and a good sports movie as well. this was a good movie and I really enjoyed it. I love when the movies have a happy ending case too much crying makes me have a headache lol. So if u haven’t seen this movie it is worth the watch. 



I love comic book movies and shows but I have never read a comic book. So when I saw the new Avengers Endgame trailer I was wondering why Hawkeye was carrying a sword instead of a bow. So I did some digging and found out about the charter Ronin. Apparently it is a hidden persona that people who want to hide there identity. So at the end of Caption America Civil War we saw Hawkeye aka Clint Barton escaped a prison. I am also wandering after he retired if Thanos snap took his family and thats why he became Ronin. Only time will tell. I just hope he is as good with a sword as he is with a bow. for more info watch the video below. 
